St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
200 Johnson Street
Jud, LaMoure County North Dakota 58454
200 Johnson Street
Jud, LaMoure County North Dakota 58454

In the year 1898 a few settlers from Mclntosch, S. Dak. came and settled in the vicinity of Jud. In the fall of the same year Rev. Zinck who was their pastor in S. Dak. held church here a few times. In 1899 Rev. Zinck came and a congregation was organized. The first members are as follows: Gottlieb Steperd, Jacob Mertz, Christian Spiedel, Jacob Pfaff, Jacob Koenig, Christian Nitschke, Fred Nitschke, Gottlieb F. Nitschke, Christian Fregien, Gottlieb & William Rempfer, Gottlieb G. Nitschke and Christian Fregien are still living members of the congregation.
In 1900 Rev. Nagel was called here as pastor of the congregation and served until 1910. He lived about 15½miles southwest of Jud on a homestead. In later years he moved to Streeter. He drove thirty-three miles by team.
In 1907 one acre of land was bought for the purpose of a cemetery from Gottlieb Rempfer, who was a member of the congregation. This acre cost thirty dollars. The church was held in country schoolhouses and homes of the congregation.
In 1911 Rev. C. Hummel of Litchville, N. Dak. held church here once a month. Each member paid ten dollars a month.
In 1912 the congregation decided that they should have a place of worship, so a building committee was organized consisting of: John Sperling, Julius Barnick and Christian Fregian. A contract was made for a building 24 by 36 feet with belfrey. The carpenter was Jacob Rodel from Kulm, he also built the pulpit and altar.
June 21, 1912, the cornerstone was laid and October 20, 1912, the church was dedicated as the Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church by Rev. Nagel, Freytag and Hummel. The building which was redecorated inside this last summer is still standing.
June 20, 1920, the Trinity Lutheran Church, south of Jud and the Lutheran Church of Jud bought the parsonage to be used for the pastor serving both churches.
In 1921 the bell, costing two hundred and forty-five dollars, was bought by the Ladies' Aid. They also bought the pews, rubber matting and the altar paraments.
In 1934 the W. P. A. started to dig the basement under the church and dug one day. The rest of the digging was done by the congregation. The basement was completed in the fall of 1939, and is furnished with tables, benches, and stoves.
In 1941 the Ladies' Aid presented the church with an Altar Bible. The remodeling done last summer consisted of lowering the pulpit and replastering the interior of the church.
Rev. R. W. Schwarz of Kulm N. Dak. is the present pastor. He has served the congregation since Sept. 1953.
The first confirmation was June 22, 1913. The class consisted of: Fred, Anna, and Lydia Jahn, Robert and Ella Podoll, Mary and Ottelia Rempfer.
The first wedding was Frank Feska and Mathilda Drager, June 17, 1913. On Dec. 6, 1904, Albert Podoll was baptized. The first burial was John Sperling on July 30, 1915.
At present the congregation has 160 baptized members. There are 14 children in Sunday School. The Ladies' Aid reorganized recently at the Women's Missionary Society, the official woman's organization of the American Lutheran Church.
Information - 1980 Diamond Jubilee Jud North Dakota (Page 16)
In the year 1898 a few settlers from Mclntosch, S. Dak. came and settled in the vicinity of Jud. In the fall of the same year Rev. Zinck who was their pastor in S. Dak. held church here a few times. In 1899 Rev. Zinck came and a congregation was organized. The first members are as follows: Gottlieb Steperd, Jacob Mertz, Christian Spiedel, Jacob Pfaff, Jacob Koenig, Christian Nitschke, Fred Nitschke, Gottlieb F. Nitschke, Christian Fregien, Gottlieb & William Rempfer, Gottlieb G. Nitschke and Christian Fregien are still living members of the congregation.
In 1900 Rev. Nagel was called here as pastor of the congregation and served until 1910. He lived about 15½miles southwest of Jud on a homestead. In later years he moved to Streeter. He drove thirty-three miles by team.
In 1907 one acre of land was bought for the purpose of a cemetery from Gottlieb Rempfer, who was a member of the congregation. This acre cost thirty dollars. The church was held in country schoolhouses and homes of the congregation.
In 1911 Rev. C. Hummel of Litchville, N. Dak. held church here once a month. Each member paid ten dollars a month.
In 1912 the congregation decided that they should have a place of worship, so a building committee was organized consisting of: John Sperling, Julius Barnick and Christian Fregian. A contract was made for a building 24 by 36 feet with belfrey. The carpenter was Jacob Rodel from Kulm, he also built the pulpit and altar.
June 21, 1912, the cornerstone was laid and October 20, 1912, the church was dedicated as the Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church by Rev. Nagel, Freytag and Hummel. The building which was redecorated inside this last summer is still standing.
June 20, 1920, the Trinity Lutheran Church, south of Jud and the Lutheran Church of Jud bought the parsonage to be used for the pastor serving both churches.
In 1921 the bell, costing two hundred and forty-five dollars, was bought by the Ladies' Aid. They also bought the pews, rubber matting and the altar paraments.
In 1934 the W. P. A. started to dig the basement under the church and dug one day. The rest of the digging was done by the congregation. The basement was completed in the fall of 1939, and is furnished with tables, benches, and stoves.
In 1941 the Ladies' Aid presented the church with an Altar Bible. The remodeling done last summer consisted of lowering the pulpit and replastering the interior of the church.
Rev. R. W. Schwarz of Kulm N. Dak. is the present pastor. He has served the congregation since Sept. 1953.
The first confirmation was June 22, 1913. The class consisted of: Fred, Anna, and Lydia Jahn, Robert and Ella Podoll, Mary and Ottelia Rempfer.
The first wedding was Frank Feska and Mathilda Drager, June 17, 1913. On Dec. 6, 1904, Albert Podoll was baptized. The first burial was John Sperling on July 30, 1915.
At present the congregation has 160 baptized members. There are 14 children in Sunday School. The Ladies' Aid reorganized recently at the Women's Missionary Society, the official woman's organization of the American Lutheran Church.
Information - 1980 Diamond Jubilee Jud North Dakota (Page 16)