St. John Lutheran Church
420 7th Street
Hatton, Traill County, North Dakota 58240
420 7th Street
Hatton, Traill County, North Dakota 58240
St. John Lutheran Church was organized on November 15, 1879. At the first meeting the following joined the congregation: T.O. Midbo, John Erstad, Edvard Erstad, Nils Bale, widow Kari Bendiksdatter Lie and her children, Sven A. Huus, Tollef H. Noss, Thorsten E. Tufte, Ole Tollefson, Lars Gulbro, T.O. Arneson and Lars Solberg, each with their families together with Inger Larsdatter Berge. A year later fifteen additional families were added.
The original church building was built one mile north of Hatton with its cemetery and within a few short years became too small for the congregation. During the summer of 1893, the current church was raised by contractor L. Mohn from Calmar, Iowa. The church stood completed by the middle of November that year with interior chandelier and church bells and everything was paid with the exception of $800. The church was dedicated on Sunday, November 26, 1893, and the church was filled to capacity. The original St. John church building was sold to the St Jordalen congregation.
Two special congregational meetings were held in 1902. The first November 2nd and the other on December 1st to discuss the idea of selling the old parsonage (which had been moved into Hatton) and build a new parsonage. At the Annual Meeting on December 15, 1902, the congregation decided to do just that. During the summer of 1903, a new parsonage was built and at the December 1903 Annual Meeting, the building committee reported that the new parsonage was completely ready and that the cost amounted to $5,000 and was all paid.
At several meetings of the congregation in 1905, there were discussions concerning the need for an addition to the church for the purpose of holding smaller meetings, etc. At the December 18, 1905, Annual Meeting the decision was made to build an addition to the church to be used as a chapel and kitchen.
At the December 17, 1906, Annual Meeting, the Treasurer reported that the building had been bult in June of that summer and that is cost a little over $1800 which was all paid. It was a blessing to have the new chapel, a place for conversational meetings, Bible studies and prayer meetings and all were well attended.
During the first 50 years, there were often two worship services each Sunday, in both Norwegian and English, and Ladies Aid and Sunday School had been in existence for 45 years. During the years 1925 to 1929, the average had been 205 children and 24 teachers each year. The Ladies' Aid has consistently met two times each month and with loyal enduring work they have gathered a lot of money each year that they share with various works of the synod, home missions, old people's homes, children's home, Jewish mission, the repair of the kitchen and many other good causes. The Ladies' Aid this year (1929) has 84 members.
The Young Peoples Society was organized in 1897 and has had an income of about $4500 from which the pipe organ was paid. In 1929 at St John's 50th Anniversary, 1605 had been baptized, 918 confirmed, 210 couples married and 688 funerals.
The present chapel/fellowship hall and kitchen were built in 1950-51. Also, at this time a basement was put under the church which is used for Sunday School rooms. In 1960 the walls of the sanctuary were covered with Philippine Mahagony paneling. The chapel floor, hallways and church floor were carpeted, and new pews placed in the church. Also in 1960, the pipe organ was replaced by a new Moller pipe organ installed in the balcony.
In 1971-72 a Narthex was built onto the front of the church for much needed area for hanging coats, two new bathrooms, and two offices, one for the Pastor and secretary.
In 1978, it was decided to hold our 100th Anniversary the next year and also after several congregational meetings, a new modern parsonage would be built, and the old parsonage sold. The new parsonage was completed in 1979 and was paid for in five years. Our 100th Anniversary was a great time to celebration for our congregation with many former members returning and former Pastors who had served.
As of November 15, 2019, babies baptized during our 140 years totals 2877 and our current membership is 502.
Forty years after the parsonage was built, we are now remodeling the kitchen, and it continues to be a comfortable home for Pastor Bruce and Anne Vold.
Info from: St. John Lutheran Church | About Us
The original church building was built one mile north of Hatton with its cemetery and within a few short years became too small for the congregation. During the summer of 1893, the current church was raised by contractor L. Mohn from Calmar, Iowa. The church stood completed by the middle of November that year with interior chandelier and church bells and everything was paid with the exception of $800. The church was dedicated on Sunday, November 26, 1893, and the church was filled to capacity. The original St. John church building was sold to the St Jordalen congregation.
Two special congregational meetings were held in 1902. The first November 2nd and the other on December 1st to discuss the idea of selling the old parsonage (which had been moved into Hatton) and build a new parsonage. At the Annual Meeting on December 15, 1902, the congregation decided to do just that. During the summer of 1903, a new parsonage was built and at the December 1903 Annual Meeting, the building committee reported that the new parsonage was completely ready and that the cost amounted to $5,000 and was all paid.
At several meetings of the congregation in 1905, there were discussions concerning the need for an addition to the church for the purpose of holding smaller meetings, etc. At the December 18, 1905, Annual Meeting the decision was made to build an addition to the church to be used as a chapel and kitchen.
At the December 17, 1906, Annual Meeting, the Treasurer reported that the building had been bult in June of that summer and that is cost a little over $1800 which was all paid. It was a blessing to have the new chapel, a place for conversational meetings, Bible studies and prayer meetings and all were well attended.
During the first 50 years, there were often two worship services each Sunday, in both Norwegian and English, and Ladies Aid and Sunday School had been in existence for 45 years. During the years 1925 to 1929, the average had been 205 children and 24 teachers each year. The Ladies' Aid has consistently met two times each month and with loyal enduring work they have gathered a lot of money each year that they share with various works of the synod, home missions, old people's homes, children's home, Jewish mission, the repair of the kitchen and many other good causes. The Ladies' Aid this year (1929) has 84 members.
The Young Peoples Society was organized in 1897 and has had an income of about $4500 from which the pipe organ was paid. In 1929 at St John's 50th Anniversary, 1605 had been baptized, 918 confirmed, 210 couples married and 688 funerals.
The present chapel/fellowship hall and kitchen were built in 1950-51. Also, at this time a basement was put under the church which is used for Sunday School rooms. In 1960 the walls of the sanctuary were covered with Philippine Mahagony paneling. The chapel floor, hallways and church floor were carpeted, and new pews placed in the church. Also in 1960, the pipe organ was replaced by a new Moller pipe organ installed in the balcony.
In 1971-72 a Narthex was built onto the front of the church for much needed area for hanging coats, two new bathrooms, and two offices, one for the Pastor and secretary.
In 1978, it was decided to hold our 100th Anniversary the next year and also after several congregational meetings, a new modern parsonage would be built, and the old parsonage sold. The new parsonage was completed in 1979 and was paid for in five years. Our 100th Anniversary was a great time to celebration for our congregation with many former members returning and former Pastors who had served.
As of November 15, 2019, babies baptized during our 140 years totals 2877 and our current membership is 502.
Forty years after the parsonage was built, we are now remodeling the kitchen, and it continues to be a comfortable home for Pastor Bruce and Anne Vold.
Info from: St. John Lutheran Church | About Us