Our Redeemer's Lutheran Brethren Church
700 16th Ave SE
Minot, Ward County, North Dakota 58701
700 16th Ave SE
Minot, Ward County, North Dakota 58701
1958 Minot, North Dakota 1983
Our Redeemer's Lutheran Brethren Church History 1958 Service begin -Harland Helland, pastor 1959 Property purchased at 304 4th Avenue NW 1962 Rollin Rogness, pastor 1968 Property sold - rented Adventist Church_Aldrich Storry, pastor 1970 Hampton Kavlie, pastor 1971 Completed building at 1620 4th Street SE 1974 Radio broadcast begins 1975 Moved to 700 16th Avenue SE_ Wayne Tjelta, assistant pastor 1976 Kindergarten begins 1977 Roy Erdahl, assistant pastor 1978 Ed Monson, Director of Christian Education 1979 Roy Erdahl, Senior pastor 1981 Rollin Rogness, associate pastor 1982 Christain Day School begins... Info from - Our Redeemer's Lutheran Brethren Church plate |