North Prairie Lutheran Church
1841 49th St
Velva, McHenry, ND 58790
1841 49th St
Velva, McHenry, ND 58790
Many of the early pioneers who settled in this area carried with them very deep religious convictions. They saw to it that the Church was planted where they built their homes. They felt a need for a Church home and a center where they might assemble for the preaching of the Word and the reception of the Sacraments. Their first meeting for the purpose of organization was at the home of Andrew Thrana on February 6, 1901. This first meeting was opened with the singing of hymns and devotions. Rev. H. Hjertaas was elected chairman pro tern and Mr. M. P. Chrislock Secretary pro tern.
At this meeting it was decided to organize a congregation and that it should be called the North Prairie Congregation (Nord Prairie Menighed). Article 2 pgf. 1,2,3, of the Mayville Menghedsordning was adopted.
Officers elected at this meeting were: President, Mr. T. Welo; Vice President, Rev. H. Hjertaas; Secretary, Mrs. Jens Watne. The Deacons were: Ole Hestekind and M. P. Chrislock. A group of three men, Rev. H. Hjertaas, Mr. Andrew Thrana and Mr. Andrew Loftesnes were elected a committee to find a suitable location for the Church building and cemetery.
A committee to organize the Ladies’ Aid was also elected. They were Mrs. Karen Austad and Mrs. Jens Watne, both of whom are still with us in the congregation at the time of this writing.
The following were present at this first meeting: Rev. H. Hjertaas, M. P. Chrislock, Mons Hystad, Jens Watne, Andrew Thrana, Mrs. Karen Austad, Mrs. S. Sanderson, and Mrs. H. Hammer and Hans Hjertaas.
On the 18th day of August of this same year (1901) another meeting was held at the H. Hammer home. Devotions were conducted by Rev. H. Hjertaas, Rev. S. C. Simonson was seated as advisory member in the meeting. The constitution was accepted as presented by the committee, excepting Article 10, pgf. 1 which was altered to read, "The annual meeting shall be held in the latter part of December or the first part of January."
Rev. S. C. Simonson was requested to serve the congregation until arrangements for a regular call could be completed. It was also decided to request the Hauge Mission Board that Rev. Simonson be retained in this territory for a while. Rev. Simonson and Rev. Hjertaas were delegated to communicate this request to the Church officials.
Another meeting was held at the H. Hammer home on the fifth of December. Rev. Simonson led in devotions, following which he was elected chairman pro tern. All non-members present were seated as advisory members at this meeting.
A church building was an important matter under consideration at this time. The majority present expressed the opinion that the Church should not be built then, but that when sufficient funds could be raised, a Church 42 by 26 by 12 should be erected. Miss Louise Skarison, now Mrs. Pete Chris lock, donated 3 acres to the Church and cemetery. The Church now stands on this plot of ground. Mr. M. P. Chrislock, Mr. T. Welo and Mr. A. Thrana were elected to serve as building committee.
At a meeting held on May 7th, 1902, the Church was presented to the congregation by the building committee complete and without debt.
The first annual meeting of the North Prairie Congregation was held at the home of M. Skarison on December 28.
Here plans were laid for a complete program of Church activity. After devotions led by Rev. Simonson, the following officers were elected: Pres. Rev. S. C. Simonson; Vice Pres. T. Welo; Secretary, Jens Watne; Trustees: A. Thrana for three years, M. P. Chrislock for two years and Odin Syverson for one year; Deacons: M. P. Chrislock for three years, H. Hjertaas for two years and Jens Watne for one year; School committee: A. Loftesnes, S. Sanderson and H. Hjertaas. The deacons were requested to conduct devotional services in conjunction with the Sunday School. This is one of the early indications of the Congregations stand on lay activity.
M. P. Chrislock and Jens Watne were elected to meet at Velva on Monday, December 6 with committees from South Prairie, Skotvold and Norwich Congregations for the purpose of establishing a parish.
When the committee for Parish organization met, it was so decided to unite as a parish. Rev S. C. Simonson was called to serve as Parish Pastor. The work of the Church was now established with Rev. S. C. Simonson serving as the first regularly called pastor. The Pastors salary was $450 of which the Hauges Synod paid $200. Now with the work established and the Church built and debt free, the North Prairie Congregation was thankful to God.
The original charter members were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Loftesnes, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Chrislock, Mr. and Mrs. Mons Hystad, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sanderson, Andrew Thrana, T. Welo, Mrs. Karen Austad (Mrs. Thrana), Mrs. H. Hammer and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hjertaas. Of these first members the following are still with us in the Congregation: Mr. A. J. Loftes nes, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Watne, Mrs. Thrana and Mons Hystad.
The following pastors have served the North Prairie congregation during the past 50 years:
Rev. H. Hjertaas 1901
Rev. S. C. Simonson 1901 - 1902
Rev. O. L. Ness 1902 - 1906
Rev. A. H. Trygstad 1906 - 1908
Rev. A. H. Melom 1908 - 1915
Rev. R. A. Hanson 1916 - 1920
Rev. O. L. Ness 1920 - 1930
Rev. K. A. Bodin 1930 - 1936
Rev. C. J. Carlson 1937 - 1938
Rev. O. J. Nesheim 1939 - 1946
Rev. E. C. Astrup 1948
Present Pastor Rev. O. L. Ness, Emeritus, has the distinction of the longest pastorate. It was during his ministry that the Church was dedicated as a house of worship by the President of the Hauges Synod, Rev. C. J. Eastvold. The Synodical Unions of Lutherans of Norwegian descent, which took place in June 1917, of which the Hauges Synod was a part, effected the local congregation. The original parish of which North Prairie congregation was a part was broken up at this time, and the North Prairie congregation became independent. Rev. Ness served the congregation under these conditions until 1930, when it joined a parish made up of Norwich, Rising and Minot.
Rev. K. A. Bodin and Rev. C. J. Carlson served the independent North Prairie congregation through the dry depression years of the 30's.
During this time a Lutheran congregation had been organized in Granville and Norwich and Rising became a part of the Granville parish.
The North Prairie Congregation, though it refused to give up its independent status, was served as a preaching place by Rev. O. J. Nesheim, Pastor of the Granville Parish. This ministry continued until his death in 1946.
In May 1946, the North Prairie congregation officially joined the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, now the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and in 1947 it officially became a part of the Velva Lutheran Parish. The Congregation has been active and fruitful in Kingdom building in its new relationship within the Evangelical Lutheran Church and in the Velva Lutheran Parish.
The work of the congregation has progressed steadily in the spirit of love and cooperation by both young and old alike. Many have been drawn to Christ through the years because of the spiritual emphasis of the work done by this congregation. A strong emphasis has always been placed upon the training of the youth to carry on the Churches work in the next generation. This has proven to be a real blessing within the congregation itself.
The faithful work done by the Ladies Aid, the Young Peoples Society, and the Sunday School and the Mission Band are reported in a separate section of this book.
The present officers of the Congregation are President, Isak Hystad; Secretary, Olav Overvold; Treas., Martin Sather; Deacons, A. J. Loftesnes, Dorence Olson and Paul Overvold Jr. Trustees: Oscar Watne, Norman Gjellstad and Martin Sather. Board of Education: Mrs. Oscar Watne, Mrs. Laurence Linrud and Mrs. Norman Gjellstad. John Austad has served faith fully as caretaker of the Church and property since the death of his stepfather who served in the capacity since the Congregation was organized.
Information – North Prairie Lutheran Church Fiftieth Anniversary Year 1901-1951
Many of the early pioneers who settled in this area carried with them very deep religious convictions. They saw to it that the Church was planted where they built their homes. They felt a need for a Church home and a center where they might assemble for the preaching of the Word and the reception of the Sacraments. Their first meeting for the purpose of organization was at the home of Andrew Thrana on February 6, 1901. This first meeting was opened with the singing of hymns and devotions. Rev. H. Hjertaas was elected chairman pro tern and Mr. M. P. Chrislock Secretary pro tern.
At this meeting it was decided to organize a congregation and that it should be called the North Prairie Congregation (Nord Prairie Menighed). Article 2 pgf. 1,2,3, of the Mayville Menghedsordning was adopted.
Officers elected at this meeting were: President, Mr. T. Welo; Vice President, Rev. H. Hjertaas; Secretary, Mrs. Jens Watne. The Deacons were: Ole Hestekind and M. P. Chrislock. A group of three men, Rev. H. Hjertaas, Mr. Andrew Thrana and Mr. Andrew Loftesnes were elected a committee to find a suitable location for the Church building and cemetery.
A committee to organize the Ladies’ Aid was also elected. They were Mrs. Karen Austad and Mrs. Jens Watne, both of whom are still with us in the congregation at the time of this writing.
The following were present at this first meeting: Rev. H. Hjertaas, M. P. Chrislock, Mons Hystad, Jens Watne, Andrew Thrana, Mrs. Karen Austad, Mrs. S. Sanderson, and Mrs. H. Hammer and Hans Hjertaas.
On the 18th day of August of this same year (1901) another meeting was held at the H. Hammer home. Devotions were conducted by Rev. H. Hjertaas, Rev. S. C. Simonson was seated as advisory member in the meeting. The constitution was accepted as presented by the committee, excepting Article 10, pgf. 1 which was altered to read, "The annual meeting shall be held in the latter part of December or the first part of January."
Rev. S. C. Simonson was requested to serve the congregation until arrangements for a regular call could be completed. It was also decided to request the Hauge Mission Board that Rev. Simonson be retained in this territory for a while. Rev. Simonson and Rev. Hjertaas were delegated to communicate this request to the Church officials.
Another meeting was held at the H. Hammer home on the fifth of December. Rev. Simonson led in devotions, following which he was elected chairman pro tern. All non-members present were seated as advisory members at this meeting.
A church building was an important matter under consideration at this time. The majority present expressed the opinion that the Church should not be built then, but that when sufficient funds could be raised, a Church 42 by 26 by 12 should be erected. Miss Louise Skarison, now Mrs. Pete Chris lock, donated 3 acres to the Church and cemetery. The Church now stands on this plot of ground. Mr. M. P. Chrislock, Mr. T. Welo and Mr. A. Thrana were elected to serve as building committee.
At a meeting held on May 7th, 1902, the Church was presented to the congregation by the building committee complete and without debt.
The first annual meeting of the North Prairie Congregation was held at the home of M. Skarison on December 28.
Here plans were laid for a complete program of Church activity. After devotions led by Rev. Simonson, the following officers were elected: Pres. Rev. S. C. Simonson; Vice Pres. T. Welo; Secretary, Jens Watne; Trustees: A. Thrana for three years, M. P. Chrislock for two years and Odin Syverson for one year; Deacons: M. P. Chrislock for three years, H. Hjertaas for two years and Jens Watne for one year; School committee: A. Loftesnes, S. Sanderson and H. Hjertaas. The deacons were requested to conduct devotional services in conjunction with the Sunday School. This is one of the early indications of the Congregations stand on lay activity.
M. P. Chrislock and Jens Watne were elected to meet at Velva on Monday, December 6 with committees from South Prairie, Skotvold and Norwich Congregations for the purpose of establishing a parish.
When the committee for Parish organization met, it was so decided to unite as a parish. Rev S. C. Simonson was called to serve as Parish Pastor. The work of the Church was now established with Rev. S. C. Simonson serving as the first regularly called pastor. The Pastors salary was $450 of which the Hauges Synod paid $200. Now with the work established and the Church built and debt free, the North Prairie Congregation was thankful to God.
The original charter members were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Loftesnes, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Chrislock, Mr. and Mrs. Mons Hystad, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sanderson, Andrew Thrana, T. Welo, Mrs. Karen Austad (Mrs. Thrana), Mrs. H. Hammer and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hjertaas. Of these first members the following are still with us in the Congregation: Mr. A. J. Loftes nes, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Watne, Mrs. Thrana and Mons Hystad.
The following pastors have served the North Prairie congregation during the past 50 years:
Rev. H. Hjertaas 1901
Rev. S. C. Simonson 1901 - 1902
Rev. O. L. Ness 1902 - 1906
Rev. A. H. Trygstad 1906 - 1908
Rev. A. H. Melom 1908 - 1915
Rev. R. A. Hanson 1916 - 1920
Rev. O. L. Ness 1920 - 1930
Rev. K. A. Bodin 1930 - 1936
Rev. C. J. Carlson 1937 - 1938
Rev. O. J. Nesheim 1939 - 1946
Rev. E. C. Astrup 1948
Present Pastor Rev. O. L. Ness, Emeritus, has the distinction of the longest pastorate. It was during his ministry that the Church was dedicated as a house of worship by the President of the Hauges Synod, Rev. C. J. Eastvold. The Synodical Unions of Lutherans of Norwegian descent, which took place in June 1917, of which the Hauges Synod was a part, effected the local congregation. The original parish of which North Prairie congregation was a part was broken up at this time, and the North Prairie congregation became independent. Rev. Ness served the congregation under these conditions until 1930, when it joined a parish made up of Norwich, Rising and Minot.
Rev. K. A. Bodin and Rev. C. J. Carlson served the independent North Prairie congregation through the dry depression years of the 30's.
During this time a Lutheran congregation had been organized in Granville and Norwich and Rising became a part of the Granville parish.
The North Prairie Congregation, though it refused to give up its independent status, was served as a preaching place by Rev. O. J. Nesheim, Pastor of the Granville Parish. This ministry continued until his death in 1946.
In May 1946, the North Prairie congregation officially joined the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, now the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and in 1947 it officially became a part of the Velva Lutheran Parish. The Congregation has been active and fruitful in Kingdom building in its new relationship within the Evangelical Lutheran Church and in the Velva Lutheran Parish.
The work of the congregation has progressed steadily in the spirit of love and cooperation by both young and old alike. Many have been drawn to Christ through the years because of the spiritual emphasis of the work done by this congregation. A strong emphasis has always been placed upon the training of the youth to carry on the Churches work in the next generation. This has proven to be a real blessing within the congregation itself.
The faithful work done by the Ladies Aid, the Young Peoples Society, and the Sunday School and the Mission Band are reported in a separate section of this book.
The present officers of the Congregation are President, Isak Hystad; Secretary, Olav Overvold; Treas., Martin Sather; Deacons, A. J. Loftesnes, Dorence Olson and Paul Overvold Jr. Trustees: Oscar Watne, Norman Gjellstad and Martin Sather. Board of Education: Mrs. Oscar Watne, Mrs. Laurence Linrud and Mrs. Norman Gjellstad. John Austad has served faith fully as caretaker of the Church and property since the death of his stepfather who served in the capacity since the Congregation was organized.
Information – North Prairie Lutheran Church Fiftieth Anniversary Year 1901-1951