Melrose Evangelical Lutheran Church
Melvin Township Nelson County
47°54'15.1"N 98°04'01.9"W
34th street NE
Petersburg, Nelson County, North Dakota 58272
Melvin Township Nelson County
47°54'15.1"N 98°04'01.9"W
34th street NE
Petersburg, Nelson County, North Dakota 58272

The Melrose Lutheran Church located 8 miles south and 2 miles east of Michigan was organized at Jan Hoover's home June 3,1887. Charter members were: Rasmus Flem, Carl Flem, Lars Opstad, Jan Hoover, O.B. Johnson, and Knut Orvik. Rev. Stener Svennungsen officiated.
The following year H.P. Jorgenson donated an acre of land for a cemetery.
March 7, 1889, a meeting was held at the Lars Opstad home and the complete constitution was adopted. The early meetings were all held in various homes until April 18, 1889, when the schoolhouses were built. For some years meetings were held alternately in the two Melrose schools.
The church was built in 1908 when 11 members contributed $100 each. The Ladies Aid provided $1,400 and other contributions ranging from $1 to $50 were received. All furnishings were installed in time for the dedication service.
In the years following many improvements were made. In 1949 a building fund was begun with the income from a V\ section of flax rented to the congregation by Jonas Hildremyr. All work and much of the seed was furnished by members and friends. A furnace room and a new foundation were completed in 1950 and the church was wired for electricity at that time. A shelterbelt was planted in 1958. In the fall of 1961, a school building was purchased and renovated in 1962 into a kitchen and dining hall.
Services were discontinued in 1974 when Rev. Dale Peterson resigned. The last service held was a special bicentennial worship September 9, 1976, with Rev. Vernon Severson officiating.
The church was damaged by arson August 7, 1978. The fire destroyed the kitchen totally, the altar partially, and
smoke harmed the entire structure. No plans have been made for reestablishing the church.
INFO FROM: Nelson C0unty History Volume One Page 477
The following year H.P. Jorgenson donated an acre of land for a cemetery.
March 7, 1889, a meeting was held at the Lars Opstad home and the complete constitution was adopted. The early meetings were all held in various homes until April 18, 1889, when the schoolhouses were built. For some years meetings were held alternately in the two Melrose schools.
The church was built in 1908 when 11 members contributed $100 each. The Ladies Aid provided $1,400 and other contributions ranging from $1 to $50 were received. All furnishings were installed in time for the dedication service.
In the years following many improvements were made. In 1949 a building fund was begun with the income from a V\ section of flax rented to the congregation by Jonas Hildremyr. All work and much of the seed was furnished by members and friends. A furnace room and a new foundation were completed in 1950 and the church was wired for electricity at that time. A shelterbelt was planted in 1958. In the fall of 1961, a school building was purchased and renovated in 1962 into a kitchen and dining hall.
Services were discontinued in 1974 when Rev. Dale Peterson resigned. The last service held was a special bicentennial worship September 9, 1976, with Rev. Vernon Severson officiating.
The church was damaged by arson August 7, 1978. The fire destroyed the kitchen totally, the altar partially, and
smoke harmed the entire structure. No plans have been made for reestablishing the church.
INFO FROM: Nelson C0unty History Volume One Page 477