Hurricane Lake Lutheran Church
York, Pierce County, North Dakota
York, Pierce County, North Dakota
This congregation was organized at the home of Ole Mikkelson on Feb 25, 1897, with the following charter members: Thomas Wold, Ole P. Newgard, Ole C. Olson, John Somdalen, Ole Barger, Embrik Garviek, Nels Nelson, John Rodlende, Johannes Askeland, John Brager, Ole Rodlende, Pete O. Brager, Anton P. Brager, Gunder Rodlende, Tom Nerreson and Severin Nelson. The first pastor was Rev. Winters, followed by Rev. H. A. Blegen, A. A. Brunsvold, C. Casperson, A. L. Larson and J. B. Dahlen, who is the present minister. For the first 13 years church services were held in the homes, until the present church was built in 1910.
Info from "Seventy-five Years, Leeds, York, 1886-1961" A history of Leeds and York, North Dakota including family biographies 1961.
Info from "Seventy-five Years, Leeds, York, 1886-1961" A history of Leeds and York, North Dakota including family biographies 1961.
The Hurricane Lake church located in Section 23 in Hurricane Lake Township was built and occupied since 1910. On March 25, 1897, at the home of Ole Mikkelson, the neighbors met to organize the Hurricane congregation and elect officers. John P. Rodland, Ole C. Olson and Thomas Wold, directors; Pete Brager, Johannes Nelson and Ole P. Negard, deacons, and John Sondalen, secretary. Having no money on hand as yet it was not considered necessary to elect a treasurer. Rev. A. A. Brunsvold was elected pastor with a salary of $75 a year. He occupied the position until 1920 when Rev. H. C. Caspersen assumed the duties of the pastorate until Rev. A. L. Larson of Churches Ferry was called. Mr. Larson is the present pastor. At first the services were conducted in the Norwegian language, but later Norwegian and English were used alternately every other Sunday. Now the English language is universally used.
Info from "Fifty Years in Pierce County, North Dakota" 1943
A history of Pierce County, North Dakota including biographies of local residents.A history of Pierce County, North Dakota including biographies of local residents.
Info from "Fifty Years in Pierce County, North Dakota" 1943
A history of Pierce County, North Dakota including biographies of local residents.A history of Pierce County, North Dakota including biographies of local residents.
According to Tom Newgard, his research showed the church building was constructed in 1910 and the church closed in 1976.