Hoff Lutheran Church
47°38'40.8"N 97°47'36.6"W
47.644670, -97.793490
Sharon, Steele County, North Dakota
47°38'40.8"N 97°47'36.6"W
47.644670, -97.793490
Sharon, Steele County, North Dakota
Hoff Lutheran Church
Westfield Township, Section 9
The Hoff Church dates back to the early pioneer days. On July 8, 1888, services were conducted by Rev. B. Tollefson at a schoolhouse the use on Sec. 1, at the McCrea farm. At a business meeting following the services, the Hoff Lutheran congregation was organized, and Rev. B. Tollefson was called as the pastor. The first officers of Hoff Lutheran Church were: E. O. Wasness, Secretary; Peder J. Ostmo, Elias Anderson, E. O. Wasness, Trustees; Nels A. Otterstad, Martin I. Skadsdamen, L. E. Hoyda, Deacons; Andrew Syverson, Treasurer and “Kirkeverge”; E. O. Wasness, Kirkesanger (Klokker) (song leader) salary $5.00 a year plus 1 offering: Rev. B. Tollefson, pastor, salary $50.00 a year plus 3 “hoitids” offere”. Services continued at the schoolhouse in May 1900, the construction of the church building was begun on land donated by Daniel B. Olson. The members built the church so there is no record of the cost. The first service in the church was held on July 2, 1900. The dedication of the completed church was in 1905 with Rev. B. I. Land as Pastor.
The Ladies Aid, Sunday School, Luther League and Vacation Bible School have had an active part in the spiritual welfare and the financial support of the church from the beginning.
In the summer of 1918, a wing consisting of a dining room and kitchen was built and was dedicated in November 1918. In the summer of 1949, a complete basement and entry. Nu-wood in the sanctuary, rewiring and light fixtures, a new chimney and an automatic oil furnace were added. These improvements were dedicated on August 6, 1949. A new box with added contents was prepared for the cornerstone. A Baldwin Electric was purchased in May 1959.
Hoff Lutheran Congregation became a member of the merged American Lutheran Church on February 1,1963 and on July 7, 1963, the Hoff Lutheran Church celebrated its 75th Anniversary.
At a special congregational meeting held on October 12, 1967, it was decided by vote, to merge with Trinity Lutheran Church of Sharon. On November 29, 1967, the first meeting of Hoff Cemetery association was held, and it is an active association today. At the present (1981) time Hoff Cemetery Association has on its board: Harvey Hanson, President; Secretary and Treasurer, Rose Ostenson; Three board members, Gordon Amundson, Kenneth Haugen, and Glenn Ryan.
In 1979 a granite monument was erected on the site of Hoff Lutheran Church. Inscription on the monument reads, “Former site of Hoff Lutheran Church, organized 1888, closed 1967”.
Pastors that served: B. Tollefson 1888-1898; H. S. Quanbeck 1899-1904; B. I. Land 1905-1912; Wm Hagen, Interim Pastor; Ingel Hovland 1914-1920; O. P. Grambo 1922-1924; O. Swenson 1925-1934; D. W. Lyngdal 1934-1936; T. F. Dahle 1937-1944; Edwin Peterson 1945-1950; Ole K. Olson 1950-1952; Paul Ronning 1952-1961; Gilbert Almquist, Interim Pastor; M. E. Helland, Interim Pastor; Hamar Benson 1962-1963; Gordon Berntson, Interim Pastor; A. T. Mitskog 1964-1967.
Info from - Steele County 1883-1983 A Centennial Commemoration (pages 262 & 263)
Westfield Township, Section 9
The Hoff Church dates back to the early pioneer days. On July 8, 1888, services were conducted by Rev. B. Tollefson at a schoolhouse the use on Sec. 1, at the McCrea farm. At a business meeting following the services, the Hoff Lutheran congregation was organized, and Rev. B. Tollefson was called as the pastor. The first officers of Hoff Lutheran Church were: E. O. Wasness, Secretary; Peder J. Ostmo, Elias Anderson, E. O. Wasness, Trustees; Nels A. Otterstad, Martin I. Skadsdamen, L. E. Hoyda, Deacons; Andrew Syverson, Treasurer and “Kirkeverge”; E. O. Wasness, Kirkesanger (Klokker) (song leader) salary $5.00 a year plus 1 offering: Rev. B. Tollefson, pastor, salary $50.00 a year plus 3 “hoitids” offere”. Services continued at the schoolhouse in May 1900, the construction of the church building was begun on land donated by Daniel B. Olson. The members built the church so there is no record of the cost. The first service in the church was held on July 2, 1900. The dedication of the completed church was in 1905 with Rev. B. I. Land as Pastor.
The Ladies Aid, Sunday School, Luther League and Vacation Bible School have had an active part in the spiritual welfare and the financial support of the church from the beginning.
In the summer of 1918, a wing consisting of a dining room and kitchen was built and was dedicated in November 1918. In the summer of 1949, a complete basement and entry. Nu-wood in the sanctuary, rewiring and light fixtures, a new chimney and an automatic oil furnace were added. These improvements were dedicated on August 6, 1949. A new box with added contents was prepared for the cornerstone. A Baldwin Electric was purchased in May 1959.
Hoff Lutheran Congregation became a member of the merged American Lutheran Church on February 1,1963 and on July 7, 1963, the Hoff Lutheran Church celebrated its 75th Anniversary.
At a special congregational meeting held on October 12, 1967, it was decided by vote, to merge with Trinity Lutheran Church of Sharon. On November 29, 1967, the first meeting of Hoff Cemetery association was held, and it is an active association today. At the present (1981) time Hoff Cemetery Association has on its board: Harvey Hanson, President; Secretary and Treasurer, Rose Ostenson; Three board members, Gordon Amundson, Kenneth Haugen, and Glenn Ryan.
In 1979 a granite monument was erected on the site of Hoff Lutheran Church. Inscription on the monument reads, “Former site of Hoff Lutheran Church, organized 1888, closed 1967”.
Pastors that served: B. Tollefson 1888-1898; H. S. Quanbeck 1899-1904; B. I. Land 1905-1912; Wm Hagen, Interim Pastor; Ingel Hovland 1914-1920; O. P. Grambo 1922-1924; O. Swenson 1925-1934; D. W. Lyngdal 1934-1936; T. F. Dahle 1937-1944; Edwin Peterson 1945-1950; Ole K. Olson 1950-1952; Paul Ronning 1952-1961; Gilbert Almquist, Interim Pastor; M. E. Helland, Interim Pastor; Hamar Benson 1962-1963; Gordon Berntson, Interim Pastor; A. T. Mitskog 1964-1967.
Info from - Steele County 1883-1983 A Centennial Commemoration (pages 262 & 263)