Goose River Church
47.63560, -97.55912
(6 Mi West of Hatton)
Steele County, North Dakota 58240
47.63560, -97.55912
(6 Mi West of Hatton)
Steele County, North Dakota 58240
Plate belongs to St. John Lutheran Church
Goose River Evangelical Lutheran Church
Hatton North Dakota Organized March 28, 1884, by Rev. M.J. Waage 75th Anniversary 1959 Pastors who served: Rev. M. J. Waage 1884-1887 Rev. B. Tollefson 1887-1905 Rev. A. J. Eikeland 1905-1940 Rev. K. C. Grundahl 1940-1946 Rev. A. E. Setness 1946-1954 Rev. Carl J Field 1954-Present Pastor Info from-back of Goose River Evangelical Lutheran Plate |
The pioneers along the Goose River, desiring a church in their midst, held a meeting March 25, 1884, with Pastor M. J. Waage as chairman and E. M. Sondreaal as secretary.
The first officers elected were Lars Mark, N. H. Berg and Nils Maystad, trustees; Lewis Thompson, Vebjorn Sondreaal and Edward Mobeck, deacons; E. M. Sondreaal, secretary; Lewis Thompson, treasurer; Nils Rodningen, forsanger, and Guttorm Tostenson, janitor. M. J. Waage was called as the first pastor at a salary of $167 a year and all voting members were requested to pay 25 cents a year for local expenses.
Charter members were Tor Torgerson, P. G. Lundberg, E. M. Sondreaal, Carelius Bye, V. M. Sondreaal, Guttorm Tostenson, Nils Maystad, Lewis Thompson, Jacob Olson, Osten H. Pladson, Knut 0. Pladson, P. K. Pladson, K. K. Pladson, B. K. Pladson, Olaus Larson, Ole Berg, Arne Berg, Bendick Benson, Edward Mobeck, N. H. Berg, Paul Sondreaal, Lars Mark, Knut Larson, Nils Rodningen, Tosten Guttormson, Carl Benson, Knut Walsvick, Christen Christensen, Even Sondreaal, Helleck Sondreaal, Tobias Johnson, Ole Dahl, Even Hagen, Daniel Bjerke, Lars Solem, Anders Fluevaag and Retsins Rasmussen.
Knut 0. Pladson donated an acre of land for a very beautiful church site and in 1888 a church was built, but in 1889, before it was finished, a tornado demolished it. Much of the lumber was salvaged and rebuilding was started in 1893. By 1898 it was completed at a total cost of $885 and was dedicated that same year by Pastor Gustaf Oftedahl. Osten H. Pladson, a very capable carpenter, supervised all the building and also made the altar, altar ring, pulpit and baptismal font.
Pastors having served this congregation are M. J. Waage 1883-1887; Bernhard Tollefson 1887-1905; A. J. Eikeland 1905-1940; K. C. Grundahl 1940-1946; A. E. Setness 1947-1954; present pastor is C. J. Field.
This congregation is observing its seventy-fifth anniversary this year.
Information - Hatton, North Dakota: Diamond Jubilee, 1884-1959 (page 23)
The first officers elected were Lars Mark, N. H. Berg and Nils Maystad, trustees; Lewis Thompson, Vebjorn Sondreaal and Edward Mobeck, deacons; E. M. Sondreaal, secretary; Lewis Thompson, treasurer; Nils Rodningen, forsanger, and Guttorm Tostenson, janitor. M. J. Waage was called as the first pastor at a salary of $167 a year and all voting members were requested to pay 25 cents a year for local expenses.
Charter members were Tor Torgerson, P. G. Lundberg, E. M. Sondreaal, Carelius Bye, V. M. Sondreaal, Guttorm Tostenson, Nils Maystad, Lewis Thompson, Jacob Olson, Osten H. Pladson, Knut 0. Pladson, P. K. Pladson, K. K. Pladson, B. K. Pladson, Olaus Larson, Ole Berg, Arne Berg, Bendick Benson, Edward Mobeck, N. H. Berg, Paul Sondreaal, Lars Mark, Knut Larson, Nils Rodningen, Tosten Guttormson, Carl Benson, Knut Walsvick, Christen Christensen, Even Sondreaal, Helleck Sondreaal, Tobias Johnson, Ole Dahl, Even Hagen, Daniel Bjerke, Lars Solem, Anders Fluevaag and Retsins Rasmussen.
Knut 0. Pladson donated an acre of land for a very beautiful church site and in 1888 a church was built, but in 1889, before it was finished, a tornado demolished it. Much of the lumber was salvaged and rebuilding was started in 1893. By 1898 it was completed at a total cost of $885 and was dedicated that same year by Pastor Gustaf Oftedahl. Osten H. Pladson, a very capable carpenter, supervised all the building and also made the altar, altar ring, pulpit and baptismal font.
Pastors having served this congregation are M. J. Waage 1883-1887; Bernhard Tollefson 1887-1905; A. J. Eikeland 1905-1940; K. C. Grundahl 1940-1946; A. E. Setness 1947-1954; present pastor is C. J. Field.
This congregation is observing its seventy-fifth anniversary this year.
Information - Hatton, North Dakota: Diamond Jubilee, 1884-1959 (page 23)