Bethel Lutheran Church
47°51'35.3"N 103°55'21.2"W
Cartwright, Sioux Township, McKenzie County, North Dakota
47°51'35.3"N 103°55'21.2"W
Cartwright, Sioux Township, McKenzie County, North Dakota
Bethel Lutheran Church
Mildred Olson
A group of pioneers of Lutheran faith, after meeting in different homes in the community, on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1909, met to organize the Charbonneau Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cartwright, N.D.
The first officers elected were: Trustees, K.K. Paulson, Hilmar Theige, and Anton Rod, Secretary, Anton Ness and Treasurer J.K. Brosteun.
Pastor Johannsen was the first Pastor, at a salary of $100.00 a year. Before any organization, there were several baptisms, the first of which were Arthur Paulson and Helen Theige at the home of Andrew Knudsen. The Ladies' Aid, which was organized at the John Berge home in July 1909 gave inspiration and stimula to the early congregation throughout the years.
Progressing now to following years, the congregation incorporated and filed on 80 acres of land, and on August 21, 1910, a dedication of one acre of land for a cemetery was held, which was named the Lutheran Cemetery.
Regular services were held by the Pastor Rev. Johannson, that day and Pastor Enge spoke in the afternoon. Dinner and ice cream was served by the Ladies Aid, and the proceeds of $38.65 were immediately given to the congregation.
Pastor Quale served the congregation during 1914 and 1915, followed by Pastor Bodine from Fairview, Mont. His salary was $250.00 a year. Pastor Bodine is still active, likes fishing, and goes with his son-in-law hunting. He makes his home in Williston with his daughters and families.
During the year of 1915, the congregation decided to build a basement for a church, and in 1916 the Tilp Bros. contracted to build the basement for $125.00. That same year a contract for a parsonage was let to Lars Hanson for $1200.00. The parsonage was completed, but the church basement was not completed until spring.
In 1917 the super-structure of the church was built. It was that same year that the first Circuit meeting was held in the church with three visiting Pastors.
Pastor Olaf Carlson served from 1919 to 1921, followed by Pastor Mjaanes at a salary of $200.00 yearly.
In 1923 the Interior of the church was finished, and certain church furniture was donated. The altar was given by John Berge, the pulpit made and donated by A.O. Oakland, and candlesticks donated by Mrs. O.A. Oakland. Lauritz Braaten was hired to construct the altar railing, and the pews were bought. It was that year that the church became self-supporting.
In 1925 we called Pastor Elmer Lee at a salary of $400.00 a year. It was during his pastorate that Luther League was organized.
In 1928 the Minister was given a week's vacation with pay, and in the same year the steeple was built, and the bell given in memory of Mrs. Anna Berge. The first lutefisk supper was served in the church basement in 1929.
Pastor T. Nordmark was called in 1930 at a salary of $325.00.
In 1931, women were allowed to vote in the church.
The 25th Anniversary was observed in the church on July 22, 1934, with Rev. Johannsen and District President A.M. Skinlov as visiting speakers.
Dry years compelled the congregation lo lower the salary of the Minister to $200.00 and later in 1939 it was again lowered to $125.00 a year.
In 1940 Bethel Congregation assumed 1/8th share of the building of the new parsonage in Fairview. Rev. E.H. Borg-Breen was installed in 1940 and served through 1942. At Martin Sandy's home in 1942, the Men 's Club was organized. Rev. M. L. Holey served from the fall of 1942 until Pastor Erling Peterson was installed in the summer of 1943. He served until 1947.
Pastor Oliver L. Jones was called in 1948 and was installed by Dr. L.M. Field, District Pres. He served until January 30th, 1954. Pastor A.E. Setness came to serve in August of 1954 and was installed by District Pres. R. Daehlin on Sept. 19th.
During the last years a great deal of remodeling and improvements were added. New tile was placed on the floor of the church in 1958. This project was specified and started by the Emil Skogen memorial fund. Several contributions were added to this fund lo make the project possible.
Bethel had a junior choir organized by Mrs. Arthur Paulson with Mrs. Milton Olson as organist.
Rev. Alford Setness left in November of 1958, accepting a call to Grafton, North Dakota. Interim Pastors were Pastor A. B. Cornelson and Pastor Gerald White.
Pastor Donald Ausland arrived in September of 1959, being installed by District President Rev. Reidar Daehlin. Pastor Ausland served until 1967. Olaf Berget of Watford City served Bethel faithfully until Rev. Arthur Grorud was installed in May of 1967.
Bethel always had an active Sunday School.
Bethel celebrated their 50th Anniversary November 22, 1959, with four charter members present. Mrs. Anna Paulson, Mrs. Ella Sandy, Ole Sponheim all of Cartwright and Emil Johnson of Fairview. Mrs. Paulson, Mrs. Sandy, and Ole Sponheim had been continuous members of Bethel since organized.
On August 10, 1969, Bethel celebrated its 60th Anniversary. Two hundred people were in attendance. Senior members present for this occasion were Mrs. Anna Paulson, 89, and Ole Sponheim, 84. Emil Johnson was staying with a daughter in Spokane so not able to be present.
Greetings were read from Pastors Donald Ausland, Alford Setness, E.L. Borg-Breen, and Conrad Bodine. Greetings from him were given by his son-in-law Silas Langager of Williston. Two of Rev. Bodine's daughters were present. Also, greetings were read from Rev. and Mrs. Conrad Lund. She is the former Annie Sponheim.
Rev. Erling Peterson and his wife Edna came for the occasion from Kissimme, Florida and he gave the festival address. Rev. and Mrs. Peterson continue to come back to visit the people of Bethel who they were so much a part of. Former pastor's wives present were Mrs. Thea Holey, Fairview, Mrs. Azeal Nordmark, Plaza, North Dakota as well as Mrs. Peterson.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Oakland and Carl Paulson are now the oldest members of Bethel.
Bethel church closed its doors in 1970 and members automatically became members of Zion Church in Fairview. Rev. Grorud left in the summer of 1973, and Pastor Kenneth DeFor came to serve on November of 1973. We have fond memories of our church at Bethel.
The Ladies Aid of Bethel Lutheran Church of Cartwright was organized in July 1909 at the John Berge homestead log cabin, with his Mother Mrs. Anna Berge as President. Six women attended this meeting. Meetings were held in the homes and everyone in the community attended. They had a bazaar each year to help with the local church expenses. The Norwegian language was used up until 1925, since that time English has been used exclusively. The purpose of the Aid was to help with the expenses of the congregation, support missions and often helped to pay the Minister's salary.
With the coming of Pastor Erling Peterson in 1943 the Aid took a sincere interest in Mission work and became very active. Under his leadership the Christian Day School was organized and held once a month on Saturday with our Ladies' Aid members assisting with the teaching. That year the Aid was reorganized under the Women's Missionary Federation program of the church. The members pledged themselves to follow the Biblical rule of giving, to give as God has given them, and to have no more church suppers or bazaars to raise money. Offerings were taken at each meeting instead of having dues which has worked out really well.
Meetings were held once a month with Bible Study being conducted by one of the W.M.F. members.
They took a great interest in Mission work, and every year sent boxes of clothing to foreign fields. In the fall of 1958, they bought material for new choir gowns for the Junior choir and all members helped sew them.
We have had delegates at Circuit, District and National conventions. Mrs. Gilman Wang was Recording Secretary of the National W.M.F.
We visited and contributed to the Old Peoples homes in Williston and Arnegard yearly. We contributed much toward the remodeling of the basement, such as having new cupboards built in the kitchen, painting walls, floors and buying and making curtains lo divide the basement for Sunday School classes and various other ways. We also had a back door put in the basement. Many of our dear ones have passed away, and others have moved elsewhere.
Some Highlights of Years Past
Miss Harriet Erickson showed pictures of her work as a nurse in Tanganyika, Africa.
Mother-Daughter Banquet in 1961, 22 attended.
Farewell party for Martin Sandy who left for a visit in Norway.
Miss Ingrid Hanson from Sweden spoke and showed pictures al meeting.
Mrs. Carl Otte spoke at ALCW of her work as a missionary to South Africa.
Rev. Robert Johnson, nephew of Mrs. Frank Leens, preached at Bethel.
Father-Son Banquet in 1963. There were 48 present.
Hailstorm in July of 1963 did much damage to the Church; broke windows and ruined the piano. The church had to be repainted and cleaned throughout. Rev. Ausland painted the cross. A new piano was purchased in 1964.
Missionary Jerome Elness spoke on the work at the Hongkong Mission field.
Money sent upon various occasions to New Guinea, Indian Missions, Missionary for a Day Project, plus many boxes of
clothing to Lutheran World Relief and North Dakota Indian Missions.
Flowers sent to Anniversary observances at Zion and St. Olaf Congregations.
New doors on church given by the Iszleys and installed by Arnold Skogen.
Now in 1976 we are taking the choir gowns that we made in 1958 and we are using them to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief.
Information – Cartwright Area History (pages 169 to 171)
Mildred Olson
A group of pioneers of Lutheran faith, after meeting in different homes in the community, on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1909, met to organize the Charbonneau Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cartwright, N.D.
The first officers elected were: Trustees, K.K. Paulson, Hilmar Theige, and Anton Rod, Secretary, Anton Ness and Treasurer J.K. Brosteun.
Pastor Johannsen was the first Pastor, at a salary of $100.00 a year. Before any organization, there were several baptisms, the first of which were Arthur Paulson and Helen Theige at the home of Andrew Knudsen. The Ladies' Aid, which was organized at the John Berge home in July 1909 gave inspiration and stimula to the early congregation throughout the years.
Progressing now to following years, the congregation incorporated and filed on 80 acres of land, and on August 21, 1910, a dedication of one acre of land for a cemetery was held, which was named the Lutheran Cemetery.
Regular services were held by the Pastor Rev. Johannson, that day and Pastor Enge spoke in the afternoon. Dinner and ice cream was served by the Ladies Aid, and the proceeds of $38.65 were immediately given to the congregation.
Pastor Quale served the congregation during 1914 and 1915, followed by Pastor Bodine from Fairview, Mont. His salary was $250.00 a year. Pastor Bodine is still active, likes fishing, and goes with his son-in-law hunting. He makes his home in Williston with his daughters and families.
During the year of 1915, the congregation decided to build a basement for a church, and in 1916 the Tilp Bros. contracted to build the basement for $125.00. That same year a contract for a parsonage was let to Lars Hanson for $1200.00. The parsonage was completed, but the church basement was not completed until spring.
In 1917 the super-structure of the church was built. It was that same year that the first Circuit meeting was held in the church with three visiting Pastors.
Pastor Olaf Carlson served from 1919 to 1921, followed by Pastor Mjaanes at a salary of $200.00 yearly.
In 1923 the Interior of the church was finished, and certain church furniture was donated. The altar was given by John Berge, the pulpit made and donated by A.O. Oakland, and candlesticks donated by Mrs. O.A. Oakland. Lauritz Braaten was hired to construct the altar railing, and the pews were bought. It was that year that the church became self-supporting.
In 1925 we called Pastor Elmer Lee at a salary of $400.00 a year. It was during his pastorate that Luther League was organized.
In 1928 the Minister was given a week's vacation with pay, and in the same year the steeple was built, and the bell given in memory of Mrs. Anna Berge. The first lutefisk supper was served in the church basement in 1929.
Pastor T. Nordmark was called in 1930 at a salary of $325.00.
In 1931, women were allowed to vote in the church.
The 25th Anniversary was observed in the church on July 22, 1934, with Rev. Johannsen and District President A.M. Skinlov as visiting speakers.
Dry years compelled the congregation lo lower the salary of the Minister to $200.00 and later in 1939 it was again lowered to $125.00 a year.
In 1940 Bethel Congregation assumed 1/8th share of the building of the new parsonage in Fairview. Rev. E.H. Borg-Breen was installed in 1940 and served through 1942. At Martin Sandy's home in 1942, the Men 's Club was organized. Rev. M. L. Holey served from the fall of 1942 until Pastor Erling Peterson was installed in the summer of 1943. He served until 1947.
Pastor Oliver L. Jones was called in 1948 and was installed by Dr. L.M. Field, District Pres. He served until January 30th, 1954. Pastor A.E. Setness came to serve in August of 1954 and was installed by District Pres. R. Daehlin on Sept. 19th.
During the last years a great deal of remodeling and improvements were added. New tile was placed on the floor of the church in 1958. This project was specified and started by the Emil Skogen memorial fund. Several contributions were added to this fund lo make the project possible.
Bethel had a junior choir organized by Mrs. Arthur Paulson with Mrs. Milton Olson as organist.
Rev. Alford Setness left in November of 1958, accepting a call to Grafton, North Dakota. Interim Pastors were Pastor A. B. Cornelson and Pastor Gerald White.
Pastor Donald Ausland arrived in September of 1959, being installed by District President Rev. Reidar Daehlin. Pastor Ausland served until 1967. Olaf Berget of Watford City served Bethel faithfully until Rev. Arthur Grorud was installed in May of 1967.
Bethel always had an active Sunday School.
Bethel celebrated their 50th Anniversary November 22, 1959, with four charter members present. Mrs. Anna Paulson, Mrs. Ella Sandy, Ole Sponheim all of Cartwright and Emil Johnson of Fairview. Mrs. Paulson, Mrs. Sandy, and Ole Sponheim had been continuous members of Bethel since organized.
On August 10, 1969, Bethel celebrated its 60th Anniversary. Two hundred people were in attendance. Senior members present for this occasion were Mrs. Anna Paulson, 89, and Ole Sponheim, 84. Emil Johnson was staying with a daughter in Spokane so not able to be present.
Greetings were read from Pastors Donald Ausland, Alford Setness, E.L. Borg-Breen, and Conrad Bodine. Greetings from him were given by his son-in-law Silas Langager of Williston. Two of Rev. Bodine's daughters were present. Also, greetings were read from Rev. and Mrs. Conrad Lund. She is the former Annie Sponheim.
Rev. Erling Peterson and his wife Edna came for the occasion from Kissimme, Florida and he gave the festival address. Rev. and Mrs. Peterson continue to come back to visit the people of Bethel who they were so much a part of. Former pastor's wives present were Mrs. Thea Holey, Fairview, Mrs. Azeal Nordmark, Plaza, North Dakota as well as Mrs. Peterson.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Oakland and Carl Paulson are now the oldest members of Bethel.
Bethel church closed its doors in 1970 and members automatically became members of Zion Church in Fairview. Rev. Grorud left in the summer of 1973, and Pastor Kenneth DeFor came to serve on November of 1973. We have fond memories of our church at Bethel.
The Ladies Aid of Bethel Lutheran Church of Cartwright was organized in July 1909 at the John Berge homestead log cabin, with his Mother Mrs. Anna Berge as President. Six women attended this meeting. Meetings were held in the homes and everyone in the community attended. They had a bazaar each year to help with the local church expenses. The Norwegian language was used up until 1925, since that time English has been used exclusively. The purpose of the Aid was to help with the expenses of the congregation, support missions and often helped to pay the Minister's salary.
With the coming of Pastor Erling Peterson in 1943 the Aid took a sincere interest in Mission work and became very active. Under his leadership the Christian Day School was organized and held once a month on Saturday with our Ladies' Aid members assisting with the teaching. That year the Aid was reorganized under the Women's Missionary Federation program of the church. The members pledged themselves to follow the Biblical rule of giving, to give as God has given them, and to have no more church suppers or bazaars to raise money. Offerings were taken at each meeting instead of having dues which has worked out really well.
Meetings were held once a month with Bible Study being conducted by one of the W.M.F. members.
They took a great interest in Mission work, and every year sent boxes of clothing to foreign fields. In the fall of 1958, they bought material for new choir gowns for the Junior choir and all members helped sew them.
We have had delegates at Circuit, District and National conventions. Mrs. Gilman Wang was Recording Secretary of the National W.M.F.
We visited and contributed to the Old Peoples homes in Williston and Arnegard yearly. We contributed much toward the remodeling of the basement, such as having new cupboards built in the kitchen, painting walls, floors and buying and making curtains lo divide the basement for Sunday School classes and various other ways. We also had a back door put in the basement. Many of our dear ones have passed away, and others have moved elsewhere.
Some Highlights of Years Past
Miss Harriet Erickson showed pictures of her work as a nurse in Tanganyika, Africa.
Mother-Daughter Banquet in 1961, 22 attended.
Farewell party for Martin Sandy who left for a visit in Norway.
Miss Ingrid Hanson from Sweden spoke and showed pictures al meeting.
Mrs. Carl Otte spoke at ALCW of her work as a missionary to South Africa.
Rev. Robert Johnson, nephew of Mrs. Frank Leens, preached at Bethel.
Father-Son Banquet in 1963. There were 48 present.
Hailstorm in July of 1963 did much damage to the Church; broke windows and ruined the piano. The church had to be repainted and cleaned throughout. Rev. Ausland painted the cross. A new piano was purchased in 1964.
Missionary Jerome Elness spoke on the work at the Hongkong Mission field.
Money sent upon various occasions to New Guinea, Indian Missions, Missionary for a Day Project, plus many boxes of
clothing to Lutheran World Relief and North Dakota Indian Missions.
Flowers sent to Anniversary observances at Zion and St. Olaf Congregations.
New doors on church given by the Iszleys and installed by Arnold Skogen.
Now in 1976 we are taking the choir gowns that we made in 1958 and we are using them to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief.
Information – Cartwright Area History (pages 169 to 171)