Bethany Lutheran Church
47°32'04.9"N 97°39'52.5"W
47.534700, -97.664570
Golden Lake Township, Steele County, North Dakota
47°32'04.9"N 97°39'52.5"W
47.534700, -97.664570
Golden Lake Township, Steele County, North Dakota
Bethany Lutheran Church
Sec. 22 of Golden Lake Township
The “Betania Norwegian Evangelic Lutheran” congregation was started in the Golden Lake area in the later 1800’s. Pastor Skjei was a traveling pastor that served the Betania Congregation, meeting in homes and schoolhouses in the area. Pastor Skjei lived near Northwood and also served congregations in Westfield area, rural Aneta and Northwood until about 1898.
Bethany Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran congregation was organized on July 19, 1900, at the John E. Dyrland home. A constitution was drawn up and the name Betania was adopted. Charter members were L. Finstad, B. O. Lovely, Halvor Vareberg, O. H. Foss, John Dyrland, Jacob Dyrland, Nils Brainerd, Iver Strand and Nils Flaten. The first Trustees were O. H. Foss, H. P. Vareberg and B. O. Lovely. Rev. A. Haugeland was called as pastor.
Bethany church was built in 1903 by Narve Hagen and the members of the congregation, at the cost of about $3,000.00. The church and cemetery grounds were donated to the congregation by Olaus Williams, homesteader of the SW1/4 of Section 22.
Pastor Haugeland served from 1900 to 1903. Rev. Lars Langehaug served the Bethany congregation from 1903 until 1940, when ill health caused his resignation. Rev. Haugeland and Rev, Langehauga also served St. Petri of Pickert and Trondennes of Sharon at this time.
The ladies of the congregation met on June 18, 1901, at the home of Mrs. L. Finstad and organized the Bethany Ladies Aid. Some of the first members were Mesdames John Dyrland, B. Lovely, Halvor Vareberg, Nils Flaten, T. E. Hagen, Nils Engen, Marie Dyrland, Iver Strand, Ed Moe, Olaus Foss and L. Finstad. The first officers were President Mrs. John Dyrland, Secretary, Mrs. B. Lovely and Treasurer, Mrs. Halvor Vareberg.
The Ladies Aid was reorganized at a meeting held in the home of Mrs. Ed Moe on May 6, 1906. Meetings were held in the homes of the members. The pastor or his wife held devotions and sometimes conducted the meetings. Work done by the members consisted of knitting crocheting, sewing garments and piercing quilts which were sold at their Fancy Work sales. Also, the ladies served suppers including Lutefisk Suppers at the Center school as money making projects for their church. Through the loving support of the Ladies Aid many projects were completed, including the church organ in 1946, painting and repairing the church in 1948, new communion set in 1952, new altar cloth and electric organ in 1957 to mention just a few. It should be mentioned that Mrs. Halvor Vareberg was the Ladies Aid treasurer at the time she passed away in 1907, and the aid members asked her husband to take the job, he accepted and held that job until 1913, when he gave it over to his daughter-in-law, Mrs. P. H. Vareberg.
Some other early members of the church were O. Dokken, Nils Pederson, Ed Moe, Fritz Engen, J. Engen, Martin Moe and Peder Varberg.
At one time the young girls of the congregation organized the “Pike Forening”. This organization was later called “Girls Mission Society” and they worked on sewing projects which were sold at the close of the year, the proceeds given to missions.
In the early days of Bethany church, the building was heated by a parlor heater. In 1918 or 1919 a furnace was installed in the dirt basement under the church. At this same time a steeple was also added to the church, and a bell was raised in the tower. A barn stood on the church grounds, but with the coming of the auto it was no longer needed. It was sold to Tilford Thompson and John Bjerke and moved to Lake Tobiason for a garage.
In 1919 Ole Dokken, a pioneer member of the community donated the pews to the church in memory of his two sons and daughter who died in the flu epidemic of 1918.
Rev. Edward Norby served Bethany from 1940 through 1954 when he resigned. He also served Bang, Perry and Sherbrooke churches at the same time. Others serving as organist during this time. Others serving organist in the church were Cora Williams, Clara Flaten, Mathilda Pederson, Agnes Pederson, Mrs. Arthur Ree, Diane Brager and Mrs. Ordean Varberg.
In 1945 the interior of the church was redecorated, and a hymn board was hung. Mr. and Mrs. Osmund Moe donated the Christian and United States flags to the church in 1945 in memory of their son, Tech. Sgt. Melvin Moe who gave his life in the service of our country during World War II.
In 1953 a basement was constructed, the church members donating their time and effort. After the church basement was completed and decorated, an open house was held on September 10, 1953.
Rev. Arthur Ree began serving in July 1955. Installation services and reception by the 3 congregations Bang, Bethany and Perry was held in the Bang church July 31, 1955. He served until December 15, 1962, when he resigned to assume a position as Administrator of the Luther Memorial Home at Mayville.
A Fellowship Supper was held on October 27, 1958, at which time the congregation held a special dedication ceremony of gifts of the Lord’s Acre Plan. This money was to be used in the redecorating of the church.
In 1959 the interior of the church was redecorated, the outside of the church was painted, and new rug was installed.
On July 9, 1961, Dedication Sunday was held in Bethany Church. Worship services were held in the morning. A reunion dinner was served at noon followed by a special program in the afternoon. Mrs. Lars Langehaug, wife of the former pastor, and her daughter attended. Also attending were Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Thompson of Hatton and Pastor T. K. Spande of Mayville. At this dedication service a baptismal fount was given to the church by Mrs. Nils Pederson in memory of her husband.
Pastor William Breen was installed October 20, 1963, at Bang church. He served the 3 congregations until July 1968. Rev. Robert Nichelson served from December 1969 to January 1972. In June 1972 Rev. Arthur Ree returned to serve the congregations. He resigned on January 31, 1980, to accept a call at Starkweather.
According to the records of Bethany Church the first baptism was for Millie Finstad, born September 16, 1891. No date was recorded for this baptism. The first recorded baptism was April 18, 1892, for Louis Martinson, born January 16, 1892. The first wedding was on December 25, 1892, when Serverine J. Johnson and Marie Monson were married. The first funeral was Anders Monson. The first recorded funeral was December 9, 1897, for Selma Inaley. The first confirmation was held October 29, 1893. Class members were: Anna Marie Monson, Guri Heskin, Mathilde Tolin, Andrias Finstad and Herman Christenson.
The Bethany church has been inactive since the fall of 1980. A cemetery board looks after the church and the church grounds.
Info from - Steele County 1883-1983 A Centennial Commemoration (pages 254 & 255)
Sec. 22 of Golden Lake Township
The “Betania Norwegian Evangelic Lutheran” congregation was started in the Golden Lake area in the later 1800’s. Pastor Skjei was a traveling pastor that served the Betania Congregation, meeting in homes and schoolhouses in the area. Pastor Skjei lived near Northwood and also served congregations in Westfield area, rural Aneta and Northwood until about 1898.
Bethany Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran congregation was organized on July 19, 1900, at the John E. Dyrland home. A constitution was drawn up and the name Betania was adopted. Charter members were L. Finstad, B. O. Lovely, Halvor Vareberg, O. H. Foss, John Dyrland, Jacob Dyrland, Nils Brainerd, Iver Strand and Nils Flaten. The first Trustees were O. H. Foss, H. P. Vareberg and B. O. Lovely. Rev. A. Haugeland was called as pastor.
Bethany church was built in 1903 by Narve Hagen and the members of the congregation, at the cost of about $3,000.00. The church and cemetery grounds were donated to the congregation by Olaus Williams, homesteader of the SW1/4 of Section 22.
Pastor Haugeland served from 1900 to 1903. Rev. Lars Langehaug served the Bethany congregation from 1903 until 1940, when ill health caused his resignation. Rev. Haugeland and Rev, Langehauga also served St. Petri of Pickert and Trondennes of Sharon at this time.
The ladies of the congregation met on June 18, 1901, at the home of Mrs. L. Finstad and organized the Bethany Ladies Aid. Some of the first members were Mesdames John Dyrland, B. Lovely, Halvor Vareberg, Nils Flaten, T. E. Hagen, Nils Engen, Marie Dyrland, Iver Strand, Ed Moe, Olaus Foss and L. Finstad. The first officers were President Mrs. John Dyrland, Secretary, Mrs. B. Lovely and Treasurer, Mrs. Halvor Vareberg.
The Ladies Aid was reorganized at a meeting held in the home of Mrs. Ed Moe on May 6, 1906. Meetings were held in the homes of the members. The pastor or his wife held devotions and sometimes conducted the meetings. Work done by the members consisted of knitting crocheting, sewing garments and piercing quilts which were sold at their Fancy Work sales. Also, the ladies served suppers including Lutefisk Suppers at the Center school as money making projects for their church. Through the loving support of the Ladies Aid many projects were completed, including the church organ in 1946, painting and repairing the church in 1948, new communion set in 1952, new altar cloth and electric organ in 1957 to mention just a few. It should be mentioned that Mrs. Halvor Vareberg was the Ladies Aid treasurer at the time she passed away in 1907, and the aid members asked her husband to take the job, he accepted and held that job until 1913, when he gave it over to his daughter-in-law, Mrs. P. H. Vareberg.
Some other early members of the church were O. Dokken, Nils Pederson, Ed Moe, Fritz Engen, J. Engen, Martin Moe and Peder Varberg.
At one time the young girls of the congregation organized the “Pike Forening”. This organization was later called “Girls Mission Society” and they worked on sewing projects which were sold at the close of the year, the proceeds given to missions.
In the early days of Bethany church, the building was heated by a parlor heater. In 1918 or 1919 a furnace was installed in the dirt basement under the church. At this same time a steeple was also added to the church, and a bell was raised in the tower. A barn stood on the church grounds, but with the coming of the auto it was no longer needed. It was sold to Tilford Thompson and John Bjerke and moved to Lake Tobiason for a garage.
In 1919 Ole Dokken, a pioneer member of the community donated the pews to the church in memory of his two sons and daughter who died in the flu epidemic of 1918.
Rev. Edward Norby served Bethany from 1940 through 1954 when he resigned. He also served Bang, Perry and Sherbrooke churches at the same time. Others serving as organist during this time. Others serving organist in the church were Cora Williams, Clara Flaten, Mathilda Pederson, Agnes Pederson, Mrs. Arthur Ree, Diane Brager and Mrs. Ordean Varberg.
In 1945 the interior of the church was redecorated, and a hymn board was hung. Mr. and Mrs. Osmund Moe donated the Christian and United States flags to the church in 1945 in memory of their son, Tech. Sgt. Melvin Moe who gave his life in the service of our country during World War II.
In 1953 a basement was constructed, the church members donating their time and effort. After the church basement was completed and decorated, an open house was held on September 10, 1953.
Rev. Arthur Ree began serving in July 1955. Installation services and reception by the 3 congregations Bang, Bethany and Perry was held in the Bang church July 31, 1955. He served until December 15, 1962, when he resigned to assume a position as Administrator of the Luther Memorial Home at Mayville.
A Fellowship Supper was held on October 27, 1958, at which time the congregation held a special dedication ceremony of gifts of the Lord’s Acre Plan. This money was to be used in the redecorating of the church.
In 1959 the interior of the church was redecorated, the outside of the church was painted, and new rug was installed.
On July 9, 1961, Dedication Sunday was held in Bethany Church. Worship services were held in the morning. A reunion dinner was served at noon followed by a special program in the afternoon. Mrs. Lars Langehaug, wife of the former pastor, and her daughter attended. Also attending were Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Thompson of Hatton and Pastor T. K. Spande of Mayville. At this dedication service a baptismal fount was given to the church by Mrs. Nils Pederson in memory of her husband.
Pastor William Breen was installed October 20, 1963, at Bang church. He served the 3 congregations until July 1968. Rev. Robert Nichelson served from December 1969 to January 1972. In June 1972 Rev. Arthur Ree returned to serve the congregations. He resigned on January 31, 1980, to accept a call at Starkweather.
According to the records of Bethany Church the first baptism was for Millie Finstad, born September 16, 1891. No date was recorded for this baptism. The first recorded baptism was April 18, 1892, for Louis Martinson, born January 16, 1892. The first wedding was on December 25, 1892, when Serverine J. Johnson and Marie Monson were married. The first funeral was Anders Monson. The first recorded funeral was December 9, 1897, for Selma Inaley. The first confirmation was held October 29, 1893. Class members were: Anna Marie Monson, Guri Heskin, Mathilde Tolin, Andrias Finstad and Herman Christenson.
The Bethany church has been inactive since the fall of 1980. A cemetery board looks after the church and the church grounds.
Info from - Steele County 1883-1983 A Centennial Commemoration (pages 254 & 255)