Bang Lutheran Church
47°30'44.8"N 97°34'47.0"W
696 139th Ave NE
Portland, Steel County, North Dakota 58274
47°30'44.8"N 97°34'47.0"W
696 139th Ave NE
Portland, Steel County, North Dakota 58274
Bang Lutheran Church 100th Anniversary 1881-1981 Portland, ND
The following Pastors have served in the Bang Congregation: Bjug Harstad Rev. Hoff John Halvorson Hans Allen John Tingelstad I.D. Ylvisaker J.R. Rorvik C.M. Hallanger E.C. Nordby A.J. Ree William Breen Robert Nickelson A.J. Ree Terry Cosier Info from - back of Bang Lutheran Church plate. |
Bang Evangelical Lutheran Church
The history of Bang Congregation begins with the pioneer movement of Dakota Territory, now known as North Dakota (north half of Dakota Territory).
Mission work was being carried on by Rev. B. Harstad as early as 1878 in the territory extending westward from Gran Congregation located east of Mayville. Services were conducted at the few scattered pioneer homes.
Bang Congregation was organized at services held in Peder Goplerud's log house, on Saturday, April 16, 1881, the day before Easter.
"Bang", the name given the congregation was suggested by Mrs. Peder Goplerud, it being the name of the congregation in Valdres, Norway, of which many of the pioneers had been members.
The first trustees were: John Hallingstad, Syver Froslid and Ole Vestland. Gunder Rud was the first secretary and Ole C. Rud the first treasurer. Gunder Rud served as song leader (Kloker) for 35 years from the time the congregation was organized.
Previous to the building of the church, services were conducted at the various farm homes, including those of Peder Goplerud, T. O. Schjeldahl, Ole C. Rud, Reier K. Lien, and John Hallingstad.
The site first agreed on as the location for the church and cemetery was east on the river in Section 34, in Enger townships in Steele County. It was known as "Magnusbakke".
The following year this site was changed to its present location, for the convenience of members located further north, since members in the south section had in mind the organization of a new congregation, known as Perry Congregation.
A part of the church was built in the year 1885. Steeple and vestry additions were completed in 1893. Dedication services were held on October 29, 1893, by District President Rev. K. Bjorgo, assisted by Rev. J. R. Rorvik, of Hillsboro, N. D.
Bang Congregation, together with neighboring congregations served by pioneer Rev. Bjud Harstad, owe him a debt of gratitude for his untiring efforts in his mission work. Due to the large mission field Rev. Bjud Harstad had charge of, he was unable to handle the required work, and assistance was necessary. Bang Congregation was organized by Rev. Harstad who was assisted for a short time by Rev. Gronlid, and later by Rev. John Halvorson (1885) who served until 1886; Rev. Hans Allen, 1886 to 1892; Rev. John Tinglestad, 1890 to 1900; Rev. I. D. Ylvisaker, 1893 to 1902.
In 1901 Bang and Perry Congregations withdrew from the call served by Rev. John Tinglestad and Rev. I. D. Ylvisaker comprising Bruflat, Mayville, Washington Prairie, Norman, Gran, Perry and Bang Congregation, and organized the Bang and Perry Call. Rev. J. R. Rorvik, at that time pastor in Hillsboro, was called and served as pastor until 1914, being the first resident pastor.
Rev. C. M. Hallanger served this call for 21 years, and until his death on August 10, 1935. Following Rev. C. M. Hallanger's death, until Rev. Edward C. Nordby entered his duties in 1937, the congregation was served by the neighboring pastors, Rev. V. E. Boe, Rev. A. J. Eikeland, and Rev. Oscar Rem. The greater responsibility was carried by Rev. Rem. Rev. E. C. Nordby served the call until December, 1954, and from the time of his resignation until the present pastor took over the call, the parish, both Bang and Perry congregations, was served by Student Pastor John Rotto. The present pastor, Rev. Arthur J. Ree, assumed his duties on July 1, 1955, and was duly installed as pastor of the Call on July 31, 1955.
During the course of its history, Bang Congregation celebrated anniversaries on the 40th, 50th, 60th years after its founding. In 1951, the congregation celebrated its 70th anniversary, which was held in conjunction with the dedication ceremonies for the new church building finished that year. On June 13, 1956, the 75th Anniversary was observed, at which the special speakers were Dr. Robert H. Boyd of Luther Theological Seminary and Pastor C. Nordby, former pastor and now of Wolseth, North Dakota.
The members of Bang recall with just pride that their church bears the name of one of the oldest churches in Norway, in which some of their forefathers had worshipped. According to legends recorded in 1733, this church dates its origin to about 1150 A. D. It was found many years later in a heavy forest grown up around it since the country was depopulated by the bubonic plague in the 13th Century. From this church, then, in Valders, Norway, comes the name of the present Bang Congregation.
The congregation is fortunate in having a very active Ladies Aid Organization, an active Luther League in spite of its smallness, a large Sunday School and Mission Society. There are also a Men's Organization, the Brotherhood, only recently organized, a Senior Choir, a Junior Choir, and a newly formed Ladies Chorus.
Info from - Diamond jubilee, Portland, North Dakota, July 1-2, 1882-1957 (page
The history of Bang Congregation begins with the pioneer movement of Dakota Territory, now known as North Dakota (north half of Dakota Territory).
Mission work was being carried on by Rev. B. Harstad as early as 1878 in the territory extending westward from Gran Congregation located east of Mayville. Services were conducted at the few scattered pioneer homes.
Bang Congregation was organized at services held in Peder Goplerud's log house, on Saturday, April 16, 1881, the day before Easter.
"Bang", the name given the congregation was suggested by Mrs. Peder Goplerud, it being the name of the congregation in Valdres, Norway, of which many of the pioneers had been members.
The first trustees were: John Hallingstad, Syver Froslid and Ole Vestland. Gunder Rud was the first secretary and Ole C. Rud the first treasurer. Gunder Rud served as song leader (Kloker) for 35 years from the time the congregation was organized.
Previous to the building of the church, services were conducted at the various farm homes, including those of Peder Goplerud, T. O. Schjeldahl, Ole C. Rud, Reier K. Lien, and John Hallingstad.
The site first agreed on as the location for the church and cemetery was east on the river in Section 34, in Enger townships in Steele County. It was known as "Magnusbakke".
The following year this site was changed to its present location, for the convenience of members located further north, since members in the south section had in mind the organization of a new congregation, known as Perry Congregation.
A part of the church was built in the year 1885. Steeple and vestry additions were completed in 1893. Dedication services were held on October 29, 1893, by District President Rev. K. Bjorgo, assisted by Rev. J. R. Rorvik, of Hillsboro, N. D.
Bang Congregation, together with neighboring congregations served by pioneer Rev. Bjud Harstad, owe him a debt of gratitude for his untiring efforts in his mission work. Due to the large mission field Rev. Bjud Harstad had charge of, he was unable to handle the required work, and assistance was necessary. Bang Congregation was organized by Rev. Harstad who was assisted for a short time by Rev. Gronlid, and later by Rev. John Halvorson (1885) who served until 1886; Rev. Hans Allen, 1886 to 1892; Rev. John Tinglestad, 1890 to 1900; Rev. I. D. Ylvisaker, 1893 to 1902.
In 1901 Bang and Perry Congregations withdrew from the call served by Rev. John Tinglestad and Rev. I. D. Ylvisaker comprising Bruflat, Mayville, Washington Prairie, Norman, Gran, Perry and Bang Congregation, and organized the Bang and Perry Call. Rev. J. R. Rorvik, at that time pastor in Hillsboro, was called and served as pastor until 1914, being the first resident pastor.
Rev. C. M. Hallanger served this call for 21 years, and until his death on August 10, 1935. Following Rev. C. M. Hallanger's death, until Rev. Edward C. Nordby entered his duties in 1937, the congregation was served by the neighboring pastors, Rev. V. E. Boe, Rev. A. J. Eikeland, and Rev. Oscar Rem. The greater responsibility was carried by Rev. Rem. Rev. E. C. Nordby served the call until December, 1954, and from the time of his resignation until the present pastor took over the call, the parish, both Bang and Perry congregations, was served by Student Pastor John Rotto. The present pastor, Rev. Arthur J. Ree, assumed his duties on July 1, 1955, and was duly installed as pastor of the Call on July 31, 1955.
During the course of its history, Bang Congregation celebrated anniversaries on the 40th, 50th, 60th years after its founding. In 1951, the congregation celebrated its 70th anniversary, which was held in conjunction with the dedication ceremonies for the new church building finished that year. On June 13, 1956, the 75th Anniversary was observed, at which the special speakers were Dr. Robert H. Boyd of Luther Theological Seminary and Pastor C. Nordby, former pastor and now of Wolseth, North Dakota.
The members of Bang recall with just pride that their church bears the name of one of the oldest churches in Norway, in which some of their forefathers had worshipped. According to legends recorded in 1733, this church dates its origin to about 1150 A. D. It was found many years later in a heavy forest grown up around it since the country was depopulated by the bubonic plague in the 13th Century. From this church, then, in Valders, Norway, comes the name of the present Bang Congregation.
The congregation is fortunate in having a very active Ladies Aid Organization, an active Luther League in spite of its smallness, a large Sunday School and Mission Society. There are also a Men's Organization, the Brotherhood, only recently organized, a Senior Choir, a Junior Choir, and a newly formed Ladies Chorus.
Info from - Diamond jubilee, Portland, North Dakota, July 1-2, 1882-1957 (page
Bang Lutheran Church 100th Anniversary 1881-1981 Portland ND
The following pastors have served the Bang Congregation Bjug Harstad Rev. Hoff John Halvorson Hans Allen John Tingelstad I. D. Ylvisaker J. R. Rorvik C. M. Hallanger E. C. Norby A. J. Ree William Breen Robert Nickelson A. J. Ree Terry Cosier Info from - Ceramic Book Bang Lutheran Church Portland ND |