Aurdal Lutheran Church
300 Broadway Avenue
Portland, Traill County, North Dakota 58274
300 Broadway Avenue
Portland, Traill County, North Dakota 58274
The organization of the Aurdal Lutheran Church dates to the influx of Norwegian settlers in this community in 1873 and 1874. The congregation was organized on November 22, 1874, after a church service by a visiting pastor, Rev. J.A. Bergh, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremias Arneson. At this meeting the following people were present and became charter members: Jeremias Arneson and wife, Gunhild; Ole O. Berg and wife Anne, and children Marie, and Ole; Thor Pederson and wife Marit and daughter, Gunhild; Erick Evenson and wife Kari and children Gertrude and Helena; Sven Heskin and wife, Ragnild; Andres Skarperud and wife Levi, and children Osmund, Anne and Oline; Kent O. Haugen and wife Kjersti and children Marie and Ole.
The name Aurdal was chosen as the official name because of the charter members had come from a place in Norway by that name. The head church of this parish in Norway was located in a village by this name and was commonly referred to as the Aurdal Church.
The first officers of the newly formed church were Ole O. Berg, secretary, and trustee for one year; Thor Pederson, trustee for two years; and Andres Skarperud trustee for three years.
Three children were baptized at this service. They were: Gunhild, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thor Pederson; Oline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anders Skarperud; and Ole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole O. Berg.
In later years two of the original families left the congregation. One of these joined another congregation closer to their home, and another moved to one of the other states. The remaining charter members remained with the Aurdal congregation until their death.
The following pastors have served the Aurdal Church: Rev. Peter A. Nykreim 1875-1876, Rev. Bernard Hagebo 1876-1877, Rev. Martin J. Waage 1877-1882, Rev. Jens Iverson Lonne 1883-1897, Rev. Andreas Houkom 1897-1907, Rev. M. B. Sveen 1907-1925, Rev. C. J. Christianson 1925-1927, Rev. Olaf Braseth 1927-1940, Rev. Manly Gjerde 1940-1953, Rev. W. Anderson 1953 until the present time. In 1890 the congregation joined the newly formed United Norwegian Lutheran Church, but in 1897 it voted to withdraw from this body because its convictions were more in harmony with the Lutheran Free Church. For a time after that Aurdal continued as an independent congregation, but now for many years it has given its loyal support to the Lutheran Free Church.
During the first years of existence, the congregation worshipped in various homes and then later in the schoolhouse. In 1885 this schoolhouse was purchased from the city of Portland for the price of $900.00. As the congregation grew greater facilities were needed, and therefore plans for a church building were begun in 1892 with the dedication of the Church in 1895. During the past three years Aurdal has again been working on a building program which is expected to materialize in the near future.
Earliest records seem to indicate that the Sunday School was organized in 1878 with varying arrangements through the years as to time and place of meeting. The Ladies Aid dates back to the organization of the congregation and has been active through the years. The Luther League was organized in 1914 and the Gleaners in 1928.
The congregation today has a baptized membership of approximately 500 souls, and a confirmed membership of 311. The present organizations include the Senior,
Junior and Children's Choirs, The Gleaners, Ladies Aid, 10 Circles, and the Luther League. The present Sunday School enrollment is 175.
Information - Portland North Dakota Jubilee 1882 -1957
The name Aurdal was chosen as the official name because of the charter members had come from a place in Norway by that name. The head church of this parish in Norway was located in a village by this name and was commonly referred to as the Aurdal Church.
The first officers of the newly formed church were Ole O. Berg, secretary, and trustee for one year; Thor Pederson, trustee for two years; and Andres Skarperud trustee for three years.
Three children were baptized at this service. They were: Gunhild, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thor Pederson; Oline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anders Skarperud; and Ole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole O. Berg.
In later years two of the original families left the congregation. One of these joined another congregation closer to their home, and another moved to one of the other states. The remaining charter members remained with the Aurdal congregation until their death.
The following pastors have served the Aurdal Church: Rev. Peter A. Nykreim 1875-1876, Rev. Bernard Hagebo 1876-1877, Rev. Martin J. Waage 1877-1882, Rev. Jens Iverson Lonne 1883-1897, Rev. Andreas Houkom 1897-1907, Rev. M. B. Sveen 1907-1925, Rev. C. J. Christianson 1925-1927, Rev. Olaf Braseth 1927-1940, Rev. Manly Gjerde 1940-1953, Rev. W. Anderson 1953 until the present time. In 1890 the congregation joined the newly formed United Norwegian Lutheran Church, but in 1897 it voted to withdraw from this body because its convictions were more in harmony with the Lutheran Free Church. For a time after that Aurdal continued as an independent congregation, but now for many years it has given its loyal support to the Lutheran Free Church.
During the first years of existence, the congregation worshipped in various homes and then later in the schoolhouse. In 1885 this schoolhouse was purchased from the city of Portland for the price of $900.00. As the congregation grew greater facilities were needed, and therefore plans for a church building were begun in 1892 with the dedication of the Church in 1895. During the past three years Aurdal has again been working on a building program which is expected to materialize in the near future.
Earliest records seem to indicate that the Sunday School was organized in 1878 with varying arrangements through the years as to time and place of meeting. The Ladies Aid dates back to the organization of the congregation and has been active through the years. The Luther League was organized in 1914 and the Gleaners in 1928.
The congregation today has a baptized membership of approximately 500 souls, and a confirmed membership of 311. The present organizations include the Senior,
Junior and Children's Choirs, The Gleaners, Ladies Aid, 10 Circles, and the Luther League. The present Sunday School enrollment is 175.
Information - Portland North Dakota Jubilee 1882 -1957